Sex Toys Are An Appetizer, Your Partner Is The Entree!

When it comes to anal play, prioritizing your comfort in every way is the key to success. Amebic dysentery is a common infection which is widely seen in homosexual who likes anal sex. Before you even try doing anal sex, get her to clean up her anus. It's always best to use sex toys that are specifically made to be sex toys, especially if you're putting them inside your body.

Similarly, the objects you are putting into the anus can also cause infection as the thin rectal walls absorb bacteria from the surface of the object, so fingers and sex toys alike need to be nice and clean before anal use. By safely, we mean only using toys specifically designed for anal play (no random household objects or vegetables, please), lubing up, and taking it slow.

Anal sex is sexual activity that is enjoyed by the straight, gay and bisexual. We also tested all of the silicone toys for interactions with silicone lubricant by applying a test patch to each silicone toy for one minute, rubbing to simulate friction, and leaving the toys to sit for one hour.

Water must be clean and warm for anal washing. In ancient times, utilising sex toys during anal sex had been considered a taboo activity, but now adays these toys are much more commonly used in every bedroom across India. Anal sex is also mentioned in the Kama sutra scripture which is still followed by people.

First, it's important to realize that all "durable" anal butt plugs sex toys are going to need a little upkeep. Also, you shouldn't clean your porous toys with abrasive cleaners - such cleaners can damage them, allowing the bacteria to come inside more easily. If you're new to anal play and anal sex, there are only a few toy types suitable for you.

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